Creative block. It is the worst. It snowed a few weeks ago causing myself and Matthew to be stuck in doors for four days! I found it such a great opportunity to produce some great work for my website, and even though after the second day cabin fever was beginning to set in…I persevered and…
So the title of this blog post may shock you. I know. No chocolate for a whole month…am I mad?? Sort of, but there is method in my madness. It all started with me scrolling through instagram one day, when I came across a post for the British Heart Foundation. Dechox, a chocolate free month…
I watched something recently which got my brain thinking…it was on BBC one, thursday the 30th January. Matthew had fallen asleep next to me on the sofa, I was looking at my phone scrolling through instagram with the telly still on of course (for background noise!). I kept hearing something about being shy and stand-up…
Today I wanted to talk a bit about my lovely Nan. If I manage to get through writing this post without crying I shall be very surprised! I will try my best… So Marion Hodges, my mum’s mum, is currently at the grand age of 94! and still going strong I might add. She has…
Back again. I had such a positive response from my first blog entry, such lovely comments and lots of views for my website, I did enjoy writing it. So much so that I have found myself at my computer beginning to type. I have been thinking for the past few days, since my first post,…
New year. First blog entry. Check. I thought it would be a good idea to start writing a blog, to get down onto paper…(or onto screen…) the thoughts that go on in this old brain of mine. I am definitely one of those people who listens and thinks more than opening my mouth so here…