Catching up 20.08.2019

A year ago today we had my Nan’s celebration of life (or funeral) cannot believe that was a year ago. There is not a day that goes by when I don’t think of her. She always liked to get up early, so when I am speeding along in my car at 7am, late for work, with the sun coming up over the hills I always think of her. I now enjoy every sunrise with her. So much has happened, when you really think about it, looking back on the year I feel like I have grown so much as a person and my perception on life has changed forever. I don’t worry about the little things as much anymore, and neither should you.
Sometimes my brain gets the better of me and I find myself getting upset over my pooch belly or the fact that my car has a massive dent in it (thanks to Warburton’s lorry bastard!) so then I have to bring myself back down to earth and realise that those things don’t really matter. I did a drawing recently, I had the idea a few weeks ago. “In the end the pricks don’t matter” with a cheeky cactus next to the text. It’s true isn’t it? Those people that bring you down or make you feel worthless, yeah it hurts at the time but at the end of it all you probably won’t even remember them. Focus on what is important, what is really important in life. Family, friends, partners. These people are the ones that will get you through. They are the ones that make life worth living.
Enrich your life with other things. I am just learning this. Read a book, watch a series (Stranger Things is top notch) read articles on subjects you want to find out more about. Get up mega early and watch the sun rise (not always possible I know…) have a laugh with family, make memories. I am trying to teach myself that if I never find success in my career then that’s okay, there is so much more to life that can fill your heart. Soak it up.
I just had my first lesson for an online illustration course and I have to say, it was brilliant. I have been looking for a short course to do for a while, after a bit of searching I found this one with Central Saint Martins University. I have been looking for a way to expand my skills with drawing and painting, yeah I could draw everyday in the hope I will develop my style but what I felt I could really do with was someone teaching me some new tricks. I didn’t try very hard at uni, well I did try but I could have done way better. Worked harder. I didn’t really think of it then but age is a great thing. It makes you realise certain things about your journey.
It’s only the first lesson but I have a really good feeling about this course. I want to push myself, I can’t remember the last time I challenged myself. It’s a good feeling. I feel like a sponge, ready to absorb all this new information.
Nowadays I feel like there is a lot of pressure to be successful career wise. I’m not sure if it’s who I surround myself with day to day, what influences me on social media or just the changing times but I feel like there is this pressure to go to university and push yourself everyday to develop a successful career and if you haven’t done that then you’ve failed. I get upset by the fact that I think I have not been that successful in my work life. Now in my thirties and still not quite sure where my career is going. I know what I would love to be doing but it’s just the process of getting there. No one tells you what you are meant to do, creative routes are known for their lack of direction and I find myself reading articles on how others found success by just falling into the right job.
I am a constant work in progress but then again aren’t we all?
I’m looking forward to seeing what this course has to offer and how I hope it will help me to develop my style of drawing. I’ve felt a bit stuck recently, creatively speaking so I am hoping in doing this course it will push me to step out of my comfort zone and try working things from a different angle. I feel like it has given me a bit of purpose.
Thanks for reading.
Look out for more posts about my journey over the next four weeks.
Posted in Illustrator, Life, Lifestyle, Work