Chocolate free for March 01.03.2018

So the title of this blog post may shock you. I know. No chocolate for a whole month…am I mad??
Sort of, but there is method in my madness. It all started with me scrolling through instagram one day, when I came across a post for the British Heart Foundation. Dechox, a chocolate free month to raise money. I thought, this could be interesting…I am a huge lover of chocolate. I eat it everyday (all day if I could!) I love the stuff, so I started thinking what better way to spend March than to give up chocolate…keeping in mind, it’s my birthday, it’s Matthews’ birthday and we are heading to Brighton this month, home to the Original Choccywoccydoodah cafe and shop…also it is the start of Easter – at the end of March granted but I have no doubt heading into any local supermarket there will be chocolate – EVERYWHERE!
So you might be wondering why I am doing this. Well, I am breaking the rules slightly…even though the British Heart Foundation is fab and the work they carry out is amazing, top charity. I want to raise money for something that is a little closer to my heart (pardon the unintentional pun…)
Back in 2002 my lovely Mum, Ann, was diagnosed with skin cancer. I was quite young when she was diagnosed so I don’t really remember much from that time. I remember visiting her at The Royal Marsden hospital in London (top place, they looked after her extremely well) Mum was in a nice light room on her own in bed next to a window where you could look out and see all the rooftops (it’s funny what you remember…) It was here where she had all her lymph nodes removed at the top of her leg to stop the cancer from spreading. It worked. Mum made a full recovery and has surpassed her 10 year remission. She still suffers, because she has no lymph nodes in her leg she gets a build up of fluid, Lymphedema. It is kept at bay with compression stockings and massages but I know some days are more difficult than others for her. At the time of Mum being diagnosed the impact it had on us as a family was devastating, we were very fortunate. I feel very lucky to still have my Mum, she is a huge part of my life. She is strong and doesn’t let anything get her down. I admire her and my Dads courage, to raise a family and cope with whatever life throws at you.
I will be raising money for Cancer Research uk. I will be doing it for my Mum and for those who have suffered or are suffering. I know it will not cure the disease but it is my little bit, my showing of appreciation for the fact that my Mum is still here.
If you have a spare moment and would like to sponsor me through this month, I have set up a Giving Page…
Any donation big or small will be hugely appreciated. I will undoubtedly be updating you on my progress through blog posts and instagram so watch this space.
Thank you.
Wigmore out.
Posted in Family
Tags: cancerresearch, chocolate, donating, mum, sponsor